

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My expected outcome

First of all, I have never had a blog before, so I have already learned!

As a business teacher, I am hoping to get many things from this program. I use technology in my classes everyday, but would like to improve assignments and increase opportunities for students to learn. I have wanted to incorporate tools like Moodle or edmodo and have not had the chance to learn about the programs and their capabilities. If there is a way that I can minimize paper use in my classroom, I would like to do it.

I teach in a small school district and we continually have problems with technology and server space. I am excited to learn more about google docs and tools that can be used to eliminate space used on our server at school. I would also like to become a resource for other teachers in my district who are wishing to improve their technology skills or wishing to incorporate more technology into their classrooms and lessons.

In my opinion, things change in the business world all the time, especially technology. If I can teach students how to continue learning about new technology, they hopefully will continue that practice in their lives if they pursue a business career.