

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Amazing eater!!

Landon had an amazing day today! His daily intake goal is 480 mLs. We have changed his eating schedule slightly, but still expect him to have 480 mLs a day. At night, we are allowing him to stretch out his time between feeds and sleep longer than during the day. So typically he eats around 1:00 or 1:30 a.m. instead of midnight and then wakes up around 5:30 to eat and gets back on schedule for the day., he didn't use his feeding tube at all!! And he took 477 mLs orally!! I am so proud of him! He is so amazing! Also, the home health nurse was here yesterday and he gained a good amount of weight again! This little boy is such a strong guy!

My pictures today are sleeping pictures. While he does have a fair amount of awake time during the day, he has to sleep a lot to make up for all the energy he uses to eat. I will say though, that he is eating much faster than in the past.

 I love these! He looks so bored in this first one and the second one, he looks totally annoyed with me, like he is rolling his eyes at me!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

One month old!

Landon is one month old today!! It is hard to believe! I think to us he only seems about a week old since that is how long we have been home with him.

Landon is doing very well at home! With his medical needs, we are working with a home health nurse and she weighs him when she comes to our house. He is still gaining weight! He is eating well for us and has to use the feeding tube very seldom. He is settling into a schedule very nicely, which makes life for Nick and I much easier!

We still feel very blessed with this amazing boy! He is such a gift and we love him so much!

 The many faces of Landon!