

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Summary of 515

After reviewing my previous blog posts for 515, I realized that I forgot how much we have done for this course.

We began the class by creating a graphic. I chose to use Image Chef to create my graphic. I think that I would be able to use some of the programs in my classes, but I would have to be careful, since some of them have questionable images to use.

We also had to create a presentation using an online presentation program. I chose to use 280 slides, which was very easy to use. Advertising:  The Art of Attracting an Audience  I have students create presentations in many classes and using an online presentation software could be very helpful, especially if a student has internet access, but not PowerPoint at home.

The next week we explored different online word processors. I actually have implemented Google docs into one of my classes this semester. I am very excited to see how it goes for the students, but so far they have really enjoyed doing it. All of the students I have in this class, I had in a previous class. A couple of them have a hard completing their homework on time, but that has improved since using the Google docs.

We also learned to work with online spreadsheets and created a spreadsheet involving a recipe. This was a great way to play with spreadsheets and their formula ability. I have never manipulated a recipe in a spreadsheet, so this was fun for me. I chose to work with my recipe for Chili.I use spreadsheets in my Accounting 1 class and could easily use Google spreadsheets as an alternative. If I use Excel, the students may be forced to complete the homework at school if they don't have Excel at home.

Finally, we moved on to creating a calendar with Google calendars. I hadn't ever worked with Google calendar before and found it to be a great experience. I am considering using one for my track team. I would be able to put practices and meets on it. Parents would be able to access it and check on practice times over spring breaks and check on meet times if needed. I created one for myself to use everyday.

All of these programs that we worked with can be valuable in my classroom or coaching. We also researched  lessons that implemented spreadsheets by using NetTrekker. NetTrekker is probably a good resource for core subject teachers, but I struggled to find a lesson in my content area. We also worked with different software evaluation tools. With so many classrooms implementing more technology and softwares, an effective software evaluation tool becomes important. Ineffective or eventually unused software can take up server space and become a hindrance to school district ITs.

I learned about a lot of great tools that I can use in my classes and that can help my district save money and resources in the long run.

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