- learning about new technologies available, communicating in new and different ways, being allowed to multi-task, and gaining knowledge through student-centered learning. I have attempted to include more real-life lessons and discussions into my courses to expand my students' ways of learning.
I understand the Virtual School Legislation in Wisconsin and am concerned/excited about...
- It concerns me how much money is sent to virtual schools because of open enrollment when it does not cost the virtual school as much per student as it is receiving. That is a lot of lost money for a traditional school. Every student learns differently and I think there could be a more equal way of distributing money to traditional schools and virtual schools.
My district involvement in online learning includes...
- My district has very little online learning incorporated into it. We have recently implemented My Big Campus. I have been working on learning all the tools it has to offer and have begun using it in a couple of my courses.
During the module I was excited to learn about...
- This class has allowed me to learn much more about teaching online. I also have learned a lot about student-centered learning and how to adapt lessons to be more student-centered. I am excited to be able to practice some of the skills I have learned into my own classroom and see how my students react to it and adapt to it.