This week's focus in 515 was creating a Google site and evaluating software. I created a Google site in which I included work I have done for 515 and also a presentation I created for 510. I found Google sites very easy to use. Creating pages and editing them was very straightforward. I'm not sure how much I would use a Google site in my professional life. Our school district website allows us to create a page of our own from the district website, so if I were to use a website, I would create it there. I think that this will be a great way to create a portfolio of my work throughout this Master's program. In my personal life, I could create a Google site for my husband's business. It would be a great way to direct potential customers and exhibit some of his work.
As a group, we had to evaluate three different software evaluation tools. We looked at Sun Prairie's Evaluation tool, Children's Technology Review and Kathy Schrock's Software Evaluation Form. All were very easy to use; they utilized checklists, provided an area for cost, and provided an area to include standards that would be met by the software. We liked Sun Prairie's the best as it listed information about the software, cost, rationale for purchase, standards that would be met by the software, and provided room for comments by administration and tech support. The evaluation is very inclusive and leaves little to be desired. This is a tool that I would be very comfortable using in my own district.
On a side note, I have incorporated Google docs into a class this semester. The students were very receptive to it and had no problems creating accounts and learning to use the docs. They have had a good time using the software and have not had any complaints so far. I am very happy to have integrated something I have learned in this program into my classroom. I hope that I can continue to do so.
Go Pack!
I think that it is awesome that your school provides an outlet for you to make your own websites for your classes. I think that it is a great way to communicate with the students outside of the classroom. Do you currently have a website for your students? If so, how do you use it? Do the students access it frequently?