

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Personality development

The doctors made some changes to Landon's eating schedule today. They decided that if he isn't waking up for his feedings, especially at night, then we won't spend time waking him to get him to eat and he will be fed through his tube. We also aren't putting a lot of effort into waking him during the day either. The thought behind this is that he is wasting too much energy and calories trying to wake up, therefor he isn't getting the chance to gain weight. He has not gotten sick as much today as past days, which is great! But, he also hasn't taken as much in orally as he has in past days. Speech therapy came today and talked with me at length about the science behind what we're doing. She said studies have been done and children who are put on this path go home 3-5 days sooner than children who aren't. So....let's hope this works for Landon.

Landon no longer has any dressing on his incision! His final stitch was taken out today and the incision looks great. It is healing very well. We continue to be told that he is healing from surgery very well and that his VSD's (holes in his heart) should become smaller as he ages.

Any hospital employee who comes to see Landon always comment on his behaviors. He is a very funny little guy. He growls at us when he is unhappy and gives us little smiles when he is sleeping. He also looks around a lot when he is awake to see what is going on around him. One of the speech therapists thought he is 2 months old, not 2 weeks old because he acts so mature! He holds his head up really well to be able to look around. It's so cool to see his personality develop. When you are expecting a baby, you don't always think about what will happen after they are born. You never think that this is what will happen when your baby is born. You don't expect to be in a hospital for weeks because he had to have heart surgery. But, you roll with the punches and do what needs to be done for your baby. But, you also don't think about how quickly they will change and grow and just how amazing they are. Every day I can't believe how incredible Landon is and how strong he has been through this whole thing. I have a lot of confidence in him that he will go home stronger than ever!

No visitors yet today, but Aunt Megan is stopping later with food for Nick and to watch Project Runway with me. 

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